POS or Porsche 3

The Maintenace We Need to Keep Running

If we are going to keep our marriages running like a Porsche, then there are those annoying maintenance things we need to keep up on.  I could not wait to buy my first car.  Little did I know just how much work it would take to keep it on the road.  Just when I thought it was all good there came something else to change or work on. 

Just like that car, my marriage needs maintenance all the time.  Sometimes, it is just trying to figure out what that grinding noise is or praying the spare is not also flat.  If we are going to live out Hebrews 13:4: “Marriage should be honored by everyone, and husband and wife should keep their marriage pure.” We need to keep up with the maintenance to make sure we do not break down.  So what is the maintenance that we need to be mindful of if our marriages and cars are going to keep going.

Oil for the Daily Grind          

Oil is one of those things in a car that can go unnoticed.  That is, until the oil runs out and the engine locks up and you go nowhere. We need to realize that two imperfect people join together to try to create a perfect marriage.  You see the red light on the dash? The idea that two imperfect people can come together and create something perfect is crazy.  Think about an engine.  Little mini explosions and the pistons pumping back and forth needing oil to not explode or seize up is a good picture of how marriage works.  We want it to go smoothly with no smoke or that grinding noise, but if we are honest marriage is just a grind.

That is why Ephesians 5:21 is the oil we need for our marriage. “Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.”  Those words if you look at them speak volumes about how we keep our marriage and engine from blowing up.  Think about it, oil goes in the engine and is important to how the car runs. I mean, you don’t see the oil once it is in place, but if it is not there then everything breaks down.  So, the oil of our marriage is realizing that we will not always have the best day.  Neither will our mate.  It is the oil, or just saying today is your day, that makes the engine keep going. 

Submitting to each other because we know that is what will make our marriage last is a “sacrifice” to make all the difference.  I put sacrifice in quotes because, we are in a relationship it is no sacrifice for our spouse.  We cannot complain about something we promised to do when we got together. The tough part is that we need to remember that no matter what we promised to be there for each other.  That means when things are going great and even when they tend to grind our gears. If we could always remember that somedays we are the best person to be married to and then there are the other 364 days of the year. 

So just give some grace and look for grace when you need it the most.  We all need to remember that somedays we give grace and others we need grace.  Next time we talk about gauges and stuff.