POS or Porsche #2

How Our Porsche Becomes a POS

The best way to make sure your Porsche of a marriage does not become a POS is to actually figure out how and why it can happen.  If we do not stop and figure it out we have a great chance to end up with something we no longer want to drive or a marriage we want to stay in.

It is not an overnight transformation

Our calls and marriage fall apart because we ignore the little things. There is not checking out that knocking noise early or trying to get as many stops out of bad brakes.  We let a cracked windshield continue to travel across the car.  The thing we have to remember is that it becomes bad a little bit at a time.  Sure, there are times when we have a crash, and our car is totaled.  Not many marriages just implode.  It is little things over a long time that make the marriage fail. Many times, we just get used to each other and those things that grind on us.  It is when we realize that what we do for and with each other daily will make all the difference over time.

We begin to take it for granted and not honor it

My oldest son rented a car for the first time a few years ago.  He called me the day before you had to turn the car back in and asked if he needed to take the car and wash it and clean it before he returned it.  I told him no that they would do that after he turned it back in.  I appreciated that he wanted to take care of his responsibility, but when you rent a car, you take it for granted that it will be clean when you pick it up and you can just drop it off dirty.  Little by little we realize that what we honor becomes the most important thing in our lives.  When we put our marriages first it will never rust out or quit running.

When we don’t do the daily maintenance

 Once again, we need to always remember that every year is made up of days.  It is the small daily things that make the difference not only with our cars, but especially in our marriages.  It is easy at times to forget the oil change or washing the car.  Eventually not changing the oil or taking care of the spills leads to a really nice car becoming a mess that is hard to recover from.  So next week we will look at the maintenance that keeps our marriage and car running like it is supposed to.