

A couple of weeks ago we talked about two things needed for our popcorn and faith to grow.  The first was a partnership with oil and with God.  There is a second part to making great popcorn and faith that we may not enjoy as much, but we endure it realizing that the end of the process will be something great to behold.

James 1:2-4 reads: “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  These verses teach that for our faith to grow, it must be tested.  We must endure the heat of the test if our faith is to grow and become fully developed.

When you place the popcorn seed in the oil and add some heat, an amazing thing happens.  Given enough time and enough heat, the seed expands and popcorn can be enjoyed as something delicious and great.  Our faith must endure these times of testing and trouble so that it can expand and grow beyond the small seed we see at the beginning.  We have to remember that though we do not enjoy these tests and trials, they are necessary for our faith to grow to completion one day.

It is hard to find joy in the pain of life at times.  Our joy must come from the realization that God is growing our faith and our lives into something wonderful.  It all depends on whether we can stand the heat until something great is produced.  Endurance is required. Sometimes you just have to hold on to what can be inspite of what is happening today.  Remember, a lot of heat is needed to pop the corn, but the buttery treat is worth the work.  It is the same with our faith.  We have no idea what God will make out of our lives if we hang on and trust Him.

A question to consider:  Do you pray for the heat to die down, or can you handle it to make your life even stronger?