Where in the World is My Joy? #4

Realizing We are Better Together

Life is tough at times.  It can be even tougher when we are alone.  It was the first things God said was not good in the world.  When Adam was alone in the garden God brought him Eve.  Paul realized that for all the good he was doing it could be enhanced with other people.  Paul gives us some pointers for living a life of joy with other people.

We Get a Chance to Show Christ to Others

 I expect and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything but that I will have the courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die.               Philippians 1:20 (NCV)

Paul reminds us that the foremost thing in our lives is to show Christ to those around us.    Our lives were not created for ourselves, but to be a testimony and picture of God’s work and love in our lives.  Paul knew that life was not going to be perfect, but he had the courage to overcome whatever came at him so that God could be glorified by his life.  We get that same opportunity with how we live with others and reflect Jesus in our actions.

When Living Makes All the Difference for Someone Else

 To me the only important thing about living is Christ, and dying would be profit for me.                                                                  Philippians 1:21 (NCV)

Paul longs for the day that he gets to go to heaven and realize a peace that we cannot understand on this world.  He may really long for it, but his life is a benefit to others so he keeps living.  We need to remember that our lives are meant to be lived as a benefit for others.  That we can increase the joy in the lives of others by simply showing up at times.  The world is made up of others.  If we live thinking only of ourselves our life will not make a difference for other people.  So, we were not put here to just live with others, but to make a positive difference in their lives.

We Get a Chance to Change the World

If I continue living in my body, I will be able to work for the Lord. I do not know what to choose—living or dying. It is hard to choose between the two. I want to leave this life and be with Christ, which is much better, but you need me here in my body.                                     Philippians 1:22-24 (NCV)

Paul knows that to change the world he sort of has to hang out.  If he is done living then he cannot make the world even better.  He feels that going to heaven would be better for him, but he knows that he wants to change the world for the people around him so he needs to keep living.  If we are going to make a difference in the world around us we need to take advantage of the chances we get.  Every interaction with someone is a chance to bring joy to someone.  We just have to watch for our chances and then act on them.  To make a difference in someone’s life you need to act.

Together is Better Than Anything

Since I am sure of this, I know I will stay with you to help you grow and have joy in your faith. You will be very happy in Christ Jesus when I am with you again.                                       Philippians 1:25-26 (NCV)

We need to live our lives to make things better for others whenever we can.  Paul decided that the best use of his life was to help others in their lives.  Life has so much more meaning and joy when we spend time with people we love.  Helping each other brings joy and meanings to our lives as we invest time not just spend it with people.  Always remember that together is better, because the burden and joy are both shared.

Set your heart on being the person that brings joy to a room when you walk in rather than when you walk out.